Completed Work Items Estimated in Story Points
Completed Work Items Estimated in Story Points shows a percentage of work items estimated in Story Points.
How metric helps
Completed Work Items Estimated in Story Points helps to analyze what work is estimated in Story Points and what work missed the estimation and thus overlooked in a team velocity.
How metric works
Chart overview
Chart shows a percentage of completed items estimated in Story Points - number in the center. Target value is above the chart.
By click on a chart a pop up appears with the following information got from the task tracking system:
Issue ID
Completed Work Items Estimated in Story Points = (Number of "Done" items estimated in story points/Number of "Done" items)*100%.
RAG thresholds: Red - metric value > 95%; Green - metric value >= 95%.
1 Calculation considers completed items within the last 90 days.
2 Field for estimates is set in Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Fields mapping.
3 Issue/work item types taken into the calculation: those selected in Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Scope Management>Issue types to be estimated in Story Points .
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).