Add Custom Fields to Target
This section contains step-by-step instructions on how to add custom fields for particular units to Planner targets.
Adding custom fields to any type of target, you will have the following features:
Create new targets with custom fields. See Fig. 1.
Configure visibility of custom fields for the List View.
Filter data by new fields on the List View.
Sort data of new fields on the List View.
Add custom fields to the target
To add custom fields:
Prepare a description taking into account the following parameters:
Name of the unit (If new fields need to be propagated to all units, choose the 'All units' option).
Group name
Field name
Field type
Options for Single Select or Multi Select
Display for Target Types (Objective/Key Result/Initiative/Milestone)
Any other conditions, that should be concerned before displaying the fields.
2. Send a request to add custom fields to Ask OKR