TEAMS - General Info Tab

General Info

General info tab aggregates general information about the team member, grouped into the following sections: Employee, Workload (Monthly %), Role, Positions, Contact Points.

Employee section

Employee section contains general information related to the employee:

  • Title

  • Job Function

  • Location

  • Time on Project (Tenure)

  • Start Date at Company

  • Key Skills

  • Vendor

Workload (Monthly %) section

Workload (Monthly %) section contains visualization of employee's workload in all positions across organization in a form of a chart.

This chart shows employee's workload (monthly, %) in all positions across the organization over 10 months period (current month + 9 future months), including currently active assignments and potential future assignments, where the employee is now set as a candidate.

Each column in the chart is filled in with colors in proportion to the specified workload number for each position within the selected month. Positions with the same 'Project - Role' key are displayed with the same color in the chart and under the same record in the legend.

When user hovers over the month column, a hint with the list of all positions across the organization, where the employee has workload in a particular month, is displayed:

Chart legend is dynamic, displays the list of employee's unique 'Project - Role' keys. By click on the project name in the legend, user is able to navigate to a specific project on the Resource Plan, which is opened in a separate tab.

Role section

Role section contains information related to the employee's role on the current project:

  • Unit (project or stream in a hierarchy)

  • Role

  • Default Role (if the Role for profile value was changed in Teams)

  • Time in Role

  • Start Date (in current Role)

Positions section

Positions section contains information per each position linked to the profile*:

  • Role

  • Position status (Assigned/Terminated)

  • Billing type (Billable/Non-billable)

  • Actual start date

  • Actual end date/Planned end date (Planned end date is displayed if there is no Actual end date for the position)

  • Position termination option (displayed only for active positions)

  • Position description 

  • Required skills for the position

*Positions with the same 'Person - Project - Role' key will be linked to the same personal profile.

Contacts Points section

Contact Points section display main contact persons connected with the profile:

  • Unit Manager(s)

  • Profile Manager(s) (if assigned). See more details related to the Profile Manager role and how to assign Profile Managers available here.

Edit mode

Some fields on the General info tab are editable in active profiles. You can switch to the edit mode by clicking on the Edit button:

You will see all potentially editable fields in the Edit General Info sidebar:

Note: some of the fields may be restricted for editing due to the specific permission set.

Deactivated profile view

Deactivated profile - profile of team member with a terminated position. Deactivated profiles are marked with an 'Inactive' label in the header. General Info tab is read-only for deactivated profiles and contains the 'End Date' (termination date) in the Role section.

In case the employee has left the company, the General Info tab for such a deactivated profile would also contain the 'Left Company' date in the Employee section:

Other fields on the General info tab remain the same for Deactivated profiles.Â