Reopened Defects

Reopened Defects


Reopened Defects by Month shows a percentage of re-opened defects in comparison to all created defects in that month.

How metric helps

Reopened Defects by Month helps to reveal a lack of resources to maintain a required deliverable quality, e.g. insufficient unit testing. The higher this value - the worse a quality of defect fixes is.

The metric is often a leading indicator (as opposed to a lagging indicator). This means it can be used to foresee problems before they become overwhelming and undermine confidence in both the product and project team.


  • shows a percentage of re-opened defects in comparison to all created defects in the same period

  • shows how many defects have been re-opened at least once

  • shows how many defects were not accepted by Testers and thus returned back to work to Developers

  • shows quality of development work, i.e. first time right 

  • shows whether engineering quality practices (EngX) are in place (e.g. quality gates in CI/CD, unit testing)

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart displays a percentage of reopened defects (Y axis) over months (Y axis).

Legend within a chart shows the Reopened Defects for the last month as well as a difference with the previous month.   

By hover over a column a hint appears showing a percentage of reopened defects in a particular month.           

By click on a column a pop-up appears with the following information from the defect tracking system:

  • Issue ID

  • Type

  • Priority

  • Summary

Top problems metric identifies 

  1. Technical and Quality Debt is out of control

  2. Team misbalance (skills ratio) 

  3. There is no Test Plan and/or Strategy

  4. Poor requirements provisioning process (not defined or/and agreed upon expected behavior)


  • Issues with build creation, i.e. fixes are not included into the latest version

  • Not reproducible issues on development side (locally), so blind fixes are applied 

  • Limits in physical devices or/and OS configuration in development team, so no way to check on issue resolution locally 

  • Not resolved merge conflicts when pushing to the main branch used for testing, i.e. fixes become overwritten 

  • Bug reports are of poor quality or targeted on the wrong things 


RD = Nrdef/(Ndef + Nrdef)* 100%,


Nrdef - number of reopened defects in a considered month. Reopened defect is a defect that leaves the ‘In Progress’/'Done' bucket at least once after it gets into it. Repeatedly reopened defects are always counted as one reopened defect.

Ndef - number of defects in a ‘In Progress’/'Done' status for a considered month. ‘In Progress’/'Done' statuses are the statuses from the ‘In Progress’/'Done' column in Project settings>Task Tracking system>Workflows.

RAG thresholds: no.

Calculation notes

Any backward transition of an issue among buckets is considered as it is reopened: 

  • from Done to In Progress

  • from In Progress to To Do

  • from Done to To Do

2 If an item is completed and then reopened in the same month it is included only into reopened defects.


WITH month_series AS ( SELECT date_trunc('month', generate_series) AS month FROM generate_series( date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '5 months', date_trunc('month', current_date), '1 month'::interval ) ), tickets_to_process AS ( SELECT key FROM ticket WHERE is_defect(id) ), snapshots_temp AS ( SELECT lag(is_done(s), 1) over (partition by key order by snapshot_created) as prev_is_done, lag(is_in_progress(s), 1) over (partition by key order by snapshot_created) as prev_is_in_progress, lag(status, 1) over (partition by key order by snapshot_created) as prev_status, is_to_do(s) as is_todo, is_in_progress(s) as is_in_progress, is_done(s) as is_done, snapshot_created, status, key FROM ticket_snapshots((SELECT array_agg(key) FROM tickets_to_process )) s ), snapshots AS ( SELECT * FROM snapshots_temp WHERE status != prev_status ), reopened_defects AS ( SELECT distinct s.key, date_trunc('month', snapshot_created) as month FROM snapshots s WHERE (prev_is_done = true and is_todo = true) OR (prev_is_done = true and is_in_progress = true) OR (prev_is_in_progress = true and is_todo = true) ), done_defects AS ( SELECT distinct s.key, date_trunc('month', snapshot_created) as month FROM snapshots s WHERE is_done = true AND not exists ( SELECT 1 FROM reopened_defects d WHERE s.key = d.key and d.month = date_trunc('month', s.snapshot_created) ) ), done_defects_counted AS ( SELECT month, count(distinct key) as done_defects_count FROM done_defects GROUP BY month ORDER BY month ), reopened_defects_counted AS ( SELECT month, count(distinct key) as reopened_defects_count FROM reopened_defects GROUP BY month ) SELECT to_char(ms.month, 'yyyy mon') as month, CASE WHEN dc.done_defects_count + rdc.reopened_defects_count = 0 THEN 0 ELSE round(((rdc.reopened_defects_count::float /( dc.done_defects_count + rdc.reopened_defects_count)::float) * 100)::numeric, 0) END as "reopened defects ratio" FROM month_series ms LEFT JOIN done_defects_counted dc ON ms.month = dc.month LEFT JOIN reopened_defects_counted rdc ON ms.month = rdc.month ORDER BY ms.month;

--------DRILL DOWN---------

select '[' || t.key || '](' || t.url || ')' as "issue id", t.type as "type", t.priority as "priority", t.summary as "summary" from reopened_defects rd inner join ticket t on t.key = rd.key where to_char(month, 'yyyy mon') = clicked_x_value order by (regexp_matches(t.key,'\d+'))[1]::bigint;

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).

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