Resolution Time for Production Defects


Typically, defects found in production, especially if submitted by end-users, are anticipated to be fixed the sooner the better in order to maintain a high level of a solution quality and high level of customer satisfaction. "Resolution Time for Production Defects" shows how much time, in average, it takes for a team to fix a production defect. Metric can be provide such information aggregated for the last week (by days) / last quarter (by weeks) / last year (by months). 

How metric helps

Resolution Time for Production Defects helps to evaluate how quickly a team at solving urgent issues that affects end user experience. The less time it takes for a team to solve a problem the better. But the quality of the solution must be also taken into account. Otherwise quick fix may cause even more serious problem later.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows a resolution time in days (Axis Y) by calendar month or weeks or days (Axis X).

On hover over a series a hint appears containing:

  • Month

  • Production defects number (criteria for production defects is defined at Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>step 4 'Quality Management'>Criteria for escaped defects).

  • Average Resolution Time 

Chart legend shows the following:

  • an amount of logged defects for the last iteration (e.g. month)

  • an amount of fixed defects for the last iteration (e.g. month)

By click on a column a pop up appears with the following information got from the defect tracking system:

  • Defect ID

  • Type

  • Priority

  • Summary


Resolution Time = timestamp of an external defect closure - timestamp of an external defect creation.

Avg Resolution Time = ΣRTi/Next  ,


RTi- resolution time for a single defect closed in the selected time period

Next - number of external defects closed in the selected time period

RAG thresholds: no.

1 This metric depends on the setting in Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Quality Management>Criteria for escaped defects. If criteria are not provided - the metric is not calculated, an information message is shown;

2 Only top priority defects are taken into the calculation. Top priority defect is a defect satisfying the criteria in  Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Quality Management>Top-priority defects;

3 Result of the calculation is presented in days.

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).