Sprint Scope Stability


Sprint Scope Stability shows an amount of scope stayed unchanged till the iteration completion. 

How metric helps

Sprint Scope Stability helps to analyze changes in scope trend. Target is 100% which means the scope is not changed and allow the team to concentrate on commitment, which is a prerequisite for reliable delivery. 

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows a sprint scope stability in % - Axis Y by sprint - Axis X.

Chart may be viewed in:

  • Items;

  • Story Points.

On hover over a column, a hint appears with the following information:

  • Iteration name - Iteration name as it is in a tracking system;

  • Iteration time frame - Iteration start-end date;

  • Metric value;

  • Remaining sprint scope in items;

  • Planned sprint scope in items.

Chart legend shows the latest metric value and the difference between this value and the previous one.

By click on a column a pop up appears with the following information got from a task tracking system: 

  • Issue ID;

  • Type;

  • Priority;

  • Summary.


Sprint Scope Stability = (Scope_Unchanged / Scope_Planned) * 100%,


Scope_Unchanged = amount of Items initially planned for the sprint and stayed in the sprint until its completion.

Scope_Planned = amount of Items, planned for the sprint.

RAG thresholds:  Green - 95%<= metric value <=100%; Amber - 30%<= metric value <95%; Red - metric value <30%.

Calculation notes

  • By default, sub-items are not included in the calculation. To include sub-items go to

Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking system>Workflows>Include sub items into metrics calculation.



Example 1: Sprint started with 10 stories in it. During the sprint 3 new stories were added and 2 stories from the initial scope were excluded. So, sprint was completed with 8 of initial 10 stories done. Scope stability is 80%.

Example 2: Sprint started with 10 stories in it. During the sprint 3 new stories were added. So sprint completed with 13 stories in total, but only 10 (of 10) stories from the initial scope i.e. stability = 100%.

Example 3: Sprint started with 10 stories in it. Due to under-estimation, estimation for 6 stories was increased and took whole team velocity, so the remaining 4 stories were excluded. Stability = 60%.

Data source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).

See also