Sprint Plan Change


Sprint Plan Change shows a percentage of issues added or removed during an iteration.

How metric helps

Sprint Plan Change:

  • helps to analyze reasons for a dramatic scope change

  • shows how mature sprint planning process is

  • helps to understand how robust priorities are

  • shows how efficient the team is in refining sprint backlog ahead to eliminate blockers and depedencies during its execution

  • shows how the correct sprint goal is being set

  • shows whether sprint goal corresponds to product goal

  • shows whether team's sprint capacity is being managed properly with corresponding workload assigned

  • shows how effectively "ready for development" criteria is followed to have all stories prepared for sprint work ahead (reqs, tech notes, designs, etc)

  • shows whether additional uncontrolled changes are being added without approval

  • shows whether the team has worked out its stable velocity

  • shows whether there is change management process in place

  • shows how stable sprint scope is

If we imagine ideal planning on a project, the target for the metric here should be 0%. On the other hand, deviations can be justified, for example, if a story is rejected due to not enough details and replaced with another story. So, such deviations are subjects for discussion.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows a sprint plan change in % - Axis Y by sprint - Axis X.

Chart may be viewed in:

  • Items;

  • Story Points;

  • Hours.


On hover over a column a hint appears with the following information:

  • Sprint name as it is in a tracking system;

  • Iteration time frame ;

  • Metric value;

  • Added or deleted scope value.

Chart legend shows the latest calculated Sprint Plan Change for Added and Removed items in percentage.

By click on a column a pop up appears with the following information got from a task tracking system: 

  • Issue ID

  • Type

  • Priority

  • Summary

What metric means

  1. Frequently changing product priorities

  2. "Hidden" activities happening during Sprint execution

  3. Scope cannot be properly estimated

  4. Not ready for development backlog is taken into work

  5. Uncontrolled scope volatility

  • Parallel development of the same product by several teams at the same time → integration issues or blockers, merge conflicts 

  • Lack of any formal scope or requirements management, there is no change management process

  • Change management process is in place, but it's unknown for a client or/and team participants

  • Absence of roadmap, poor vision on product goal, priorities, and milestones → in fact, the backlog cannot be formed, refined, and prepared for development 

  • The team is rather new with fluctuating velocity

  • No clear statement of scope or no sign off for scope from the client's side

  • Sprint planning and sprint goal is not aligned/shared with other stakeholders

  • Not mature communication management process

  • Direct [unmanaged] contact between the client and team participants

  • There is no proper pre-planning preparation on the team level in place

  • Changing priorities during Sprint execution can result in not actual Sprint goal 

  • The sprint goal is not accurate enough, i.e. not aligned with product goal and overall business strategy

  • SDLC is longer than 2 weeks, applied process framework is not applicable to the environment 

  • Weak demand intake flow, the process when an idea gets into product backlog is not properly defined 

  • SM low engagement or authority


Scope added = ScA/ScP*100%,

Scope deleted = -ScR/ScP*100%,


  • ScP – amount of initially planned scope. 

  • ScA – amount of added scope. 

  • ScR – amount of removed scope.

RAG thresholds: Green – metric value > 0% and <9%, amber – metric value >10% and <30%, red – metric value > 31%.

Calculation notes

  • Sub-items are not included in the calculation because they usually do not represent delivery value at a business level. 

  • Re-estimation of initially planning scope is not included in this metric. If it is an often case for a project, a double-bug false interpretation is possible. In order to avoid it, it is recommended to use Sprint Plan Change metric together with Estimation Accuracy one.


with sprints as ( select id, name, coalesce(activated_date, start_date) + (sprint_starting_grace_period())::INTERVAL as start_date, coalesce(complete_date, finish_date) as finish_date from sprint where state != 'FUTURE' and start_date is not null and start_date < now() and (finish_date is not null or complete_date is not null) order by finish_date desc limit 6 ), scope as ( select * from ticket where parent_task is null ), sprint_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start,t.created) as updated_date, case when h.start is null then t.sprints else string_to_array(h.sprint, ',')::bigint[] end as sprint from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id = h.workitem_id and h.field = 1 ), start_sprint_scope as ( select distinct s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), finish_sprint_scope as ( select s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), sprint_stat as ( select s.name, s.start_date, coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as start_items, coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as finish_items, array_subtract(coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]), coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[])) as added_items, array_subtract(coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]), coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[])) as removed_items from sprints s left join start_sprint_scope as sc on s.id = sc.sprint_id left join finish_sprint_scope as fc on s.id = fc.sprint_id ) select name as "Sprint", case when added_items_count = 0 then 0 when start_items_count = 0 then 100.00 else round(added_items_count::numeric / start_items_count * 100, 2) end as "Added items", case when removed_items_count = 0 then 0 when start_items_count = 0 then 100.00 else round(-removed_items_count::numeric / start_items_count * 100, 2) end as "Removed items" from sprint_count_stat order by start_date;


with sprint_added_items as ( select s.name, unnest(s.added_items) as ticket_id from sprint_stat s select case when t.url is not null then '['||t.key||']('||t.url||')' else t.key end as "Issue Id", t.type as "Type", t.priority as "Priority", t.summary as "Summary" from sprint_added_items s inner join ticket t on s.ticket_id = t.id where name = clicked_x_value order by (regexp_matches(t.key,'\d+'))[1]::bigint;
with sprints as ( select id, name, coalesce(activated_date, start_date) + (sprint_starting_grace_period())::INTERVAL as start_date, coalesce(complete_date, finish_date) as finish_date from sprint where state != 'FUTURE' and start_date is not null and start_date < now() and (finish_date is not null or complete_date is not null) order by finish_date desc limit 6), scope as ( select * from ticket where parent_task is null), story_points_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start, t.created) as updated_date, case when h.start is null then t.story_points else h.story_points end as story_points from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id = h.workitem_id and h.field = 7 ), story_points_update_history_on_sprint_start as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id as sprint_id, h.story_points from story_points_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.start_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), story_points_update_history_on_sprint_finish as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id as sprint_id, h.story_points from story_points_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.finish_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), sprint_sp_stat as ( select s.name, s.start_date, (select coalesce(sum(story_points), 0) from story_points_update_history_on_sprint_start h where h.sprint_id = s.id) as start_sp, (select coalesce(sum(story_points), 0) from story_points_update_history_on_sprint_finish h where h.sprint_id = s.id) as added_sp, (select coalesce(sum(story_points), 0) from story_points_update_history_on_sprint_finish h where h.sprint_id = s.id) as removed_sp from sprints s ) select name as "Sprint", case when added_sp = 0 then 0 when start_sp = 0 then 100.00 else round(added_sp::numeric / start_sp::numeric * 100, 2) end as "Added Story Points", case when removed_sp = 0 then 0 when start_sp = 0 then 100.00 else round(-removed_sp::numeric / start_sp::numeric * 100, 2) end as "Removed Story Points" from sprint_sp_stat order by start_date;



Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).

See also