Sprint Scope Creep


Sprint Scope Creep shows a percentage of added scope within the iteration vs planned scope at the iteration start.

How metric helps

Sprint Scope Creep helps to determine the size of an extra effort taken into sprints. The target is to have 0 scope creep, which indicates no overloading of the team.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows a sprint scope creep in %  - Axis Y by sprint - Axis X.

Chart may be viewed in:

  • Items;

  • Story Points;

  • Hours.

On hover over a column a hint appears with the following information:

  • Sprint name as it is in a tracking system, e.g. sprint title in JIRA;

  • Sprint time frame;

  • Metric value;

  • Added scope on top of the initially planned.

Chart legend shows the latest metric value and the difference between this value and the previous one.

By click on a column, a pop up appears with the following information got from a tasks tracking system about added: 

  • Issue ID

  • Type

  • Priority

  • Summary


Sprint Scope Creep = Scope_Added / Scope_Planned * 100%,


  • Scope_Planned – amount of a planned scope at the first sprint day.

  • Scope_Added – amount of scope that was added during the sprint calculates as the difference between issues at the first sprint day and the last sprint day.

RAG thresholds:  Red - metric value>30 %; Amber - metric value≤ 30%; Green - metric value ≤ 5% .

Calculation notes

  • If Scope_Added ≤ Scope_Planned, Sprint Scope Creep is equal to zero.

  • Sub items are not included into the calculation because they usually do not represent delivery value at a business level. 



Team velocity was 15 story points. A sprint was packed to fit this velocity. In the mid of the sprint a new story for 3 story points was added. So, scope creep is 3 / 15 = 20%.

with sprints as ( select id, name, coalesce(activated_date, start_date) + (sprint_starting_grace_period())::INTERVAL as start_date, coalesce(complete_date, finish_date) as finish_date from sprint where state != 'FUTURE' and start_date is not null and start_date < now() and (finish_date is not null or complete_date is not null) order by finish_date desc limit 6 ), scope as ( select * from ticket where parent_task is null ), sprint_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start,t.created) as updated_date, -- if there is no sprint updates in ticket history then get sprints from ticket (case when h.start is null then t.sprints else string_to_array(h.sprint, ',')::bigint[] end) as sprint from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id = h.workitem_id and h.field = 1 ), sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id, h.sprint from sprint_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.start_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id, h.sprint from sprint_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.finish_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), start_sprint_scope as ( select distinct s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), finish_sprint_scope as ( select s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), sprint_stat as ( select s.name, s.start_date, coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as start_items, coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as finish_items, array_subtract(coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]), coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[])) as added_items from sprints s left join start_sprint_scope as sc on s.id = sc.sprint_id left join finish_sprint_scope as fc on s.id = fc.sprint_id ), sprint_count_stat as ( select name, start_date, coalesce(array_length(finish_items, 1), 0) as finish_items_count, coalesce(array_length(start_items, 1), 0) as start_items_count, coalesce(array_length(added_items, 1), 0) as added_items_count from sprint_stat ) select name as "Sprint", (case when added_items_count = 0 then 0 when start_items_count = 0 then 100.00 else round(added_items_count::numeric / start_items_count * 100, 2) end) as "Sprint scope creep" from sprint_count_stat order by start_date


----DRILL DOWN----

with sprint_added_items as ( select s.name, unnest(s.added_items) as ticket_id from sprint_stat s ) select (case when t.url is not null then '['||t.key||']('||t.url||')' else t.key end) as "Issue Id", t.type as "Type", t.priority as "Priority", t.summary as "Summary" from sprint_added_items s inner join ticket t on s.ticket_id = t.id where name = clicked_x_value order by (regexp_matches(t.key,'\d+'))[1]::bigint

with sprints as ( select id, name, coalesce(activated_date, start_date) + (sprint_starting_grace_period())::INTERVAL as start_date, coalesce(complete_date, finish_date) as finish_date from sprint where state != 'FUTURE' and start_date is not null and start_date < now() and (finish_date is not null or complete_date is not null) order by finish_date desc limit 6 ), scope as ( select * from ticket where parent_task is null ), story_points_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start, t.created) as updated_date, -- if there is no story_points updates in ticket history then get story_points from ticket (case when h.start is null then t.story_points else h.story_points end) as story_points from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id = h.workitem_id and h.field = 7 ), story_points_update_history_on_sprint_start as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id as sprint_id, h.story_points from story_points_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.start_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), story_points_update_history_on_sprint_finish as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id as sprint_id, h.story_points from story_points_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.finish_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), sprint_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start,t.created) as updated_date, -- if there is no sprint updates in ticket history then get sprints from ticket (case when h.start is null then t.sprints else string_to_array(h.sprint, ',')::bigint[] end) as sprint from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id = h.workitem_id and h.field = 1 ), sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id, h.sprint from sprint_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.start_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id, h.sprint from sprint_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.finish_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), start_sprint_scope as ( select distinct s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), finish_sprint_scope as ( select s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), sprint_stat as ( select s.id, s.name, s.start_date, coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as start_items, coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as finish_items, array_subtract(coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]), coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[])) as added_items from sprints s left join start_sprint_scope as sc on s.id = sc.sprint_id left join finish_sprint_scope as fc on s.id = fc.sprint_id ), sprint_sp_stat as ( select s.name, s.start_date, (select coalesce(sum(story_points), 0) from story_points_update_history_on_sprint_start h where h.sprint_id = s.id and h.workitem_id = any(start_items) ) as start_sp, (select coalesce(sum(story_points), 0) from story_points_update_history_on_sprint_finish h where h.sprint_id = s.id and h.workitem_id = any(added_items) ) as added_sp from sprint_stat s ) select name as "Sprint", (case when added_sp = 0 then 0 when start_sp = 0 then 100.00 else round(added_sp::numeric / start_sp::numeric * 100, 2) end) as "Sprint scope creep" from sprint_sp_stat order by start_date


----DRILL DOWN----

with sprint_added_items as ( select s.name, unnest(s.added_items) as ticket_id from sprint_stat s ) select (case when t.url is not null then '['||t.key||']('||t.url||')' else t.key end) as "Issue Id", t.type as "Type", t.priority as "Priority", t.summary as "Summary" from sprint_added_items s inner join ticket t on s.ticket_id = t.id where name = clicked_x_value order by (regexp_matches(t.key,'\d+'))[1]::bigint

with sprints as ( select id, name, coalesce(activated_date, start_date) + (sprint_starting_grace_period())::INTERVAL as start_date, coalesce(complete_date, finish_date) as finish_date from sprint where state != 'FUTURE' and start_date is not null and start_date < now() and (finish_date is not null or complete_date is not null) order by finish_date desc limit 6 ), scope as ( select * from ticket where parent_task is null ), time_estimate_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start,t.created) as updated_date, -- if there is no time_estimate updates in ticket history then get time_estimate from ticket (case when h.start is null then t.time_estimate else h.time_estimate end) as time_estimate from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id = h.workitem_id and h.field = 4 ), time_estimate_update_history_on_sprint_start as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id as sprint_id, h.time_estimate from time_estimate_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.start_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), time_estimate_update_history_on_sprint_finish as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id as sprint_id, h.time_estimate from time_estimate_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.finish_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), sprint_field_update_history as ( select t.id as workitem_id, coalesce(h.start,t.created) as updated_date, -- if there is no sprint updates in ticket history then get sprints from ticket (case when h.start is null then t.sprints else string_to_array(h.sprint, ',')::bigint[] end) as sprint from scope t left join tickethistory h on t.id=h.workitem_id and h.field = 1 ), sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id, h.sprint from sprint_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.start_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish as ( select distinct on (h.workitem_id, s.id) h.workitem_id, s.id, h.sprint from sprint_field_update_history h, sprints s where h.updated_date < s.finish_date order by h.workitem_id, s.id, h.updated_date desc ), start_sprint_scope as ( select distinct s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_start h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), finish_sprint_scope as ( select s.id as sprint_id, array_agg(workitem_id) as tickets from sprints s inner join sprint_update_history_on_sprint_finish h on h.id = s.id and s.id = any(h.sprint) group by sprint_id ), sprint_stat as ( select s.id, s.name, s.start_date, coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as start_items, coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]) as finish_items, array_subtract(coalesce(fc.tickets, array[]::bigint[]), coalesce(sc.tickets, array[]::bigint[])) as added_items from sprints s left join start_sprint_scope as sc on s.id = sc.sprint_id left join finish_sprint_scope as fc on s.id = fc.sprint_id ), sprint_sp_stat as ( select s.name, s.start_date, (select coalesce(sum(time_estimate), 0) from time_estimate_update_history_on_sprint_start h where h.sprint_id = s.id and h.workitem_id = any(start_items) ) as start_hours, (select coalesce(sum(time_estimate), 0) from time_estimate_update_history_on_sprint_finish h where h.sprint_id = s.id and h.workitem_id = any(added_items) ) as added_hours from sprint_stat s ) select name as "Sprint", (case when added_hours = 0 then 0 when start_hours = 0 then 100.00 else round(added_hours::numeric / start_hours ::numeric * 100, 2) end) as "Sprint scope creep" from sprint_sp_stat order by start_date


----DRILL DOWN----

with sprint_added_items as ( select s.name, unnest(s.added_items) as ticket_id from sprint_stat s ) select (case when t.url is not null then '['||t.key||']('||t.url||')' else t.key end) as "Issue Id", t.type as "Type", t.priority as "Priority", t.summary as "Summary" from sprint_added_items s inner join ticket t on s.ticket_id = t.id where name = clicked_x_value order by (regexp_matches(t.key,'\d+'))[1]::bigint

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).

See also