Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (all priorities)


Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (all priorities) shows a number of open defects for today with a lifetime more than a month.

How metric helps

Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (all priorities) reveals a number of open defects living more than a month so that they have to be taken into consideration while planning development efforts. The expected value is equal to zero.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows a number a number of open defects with a lifetime more than a month - number in the center. Target value is above the chart.  

By click on a chart a pop up appears with the following information got from the task tracking system: 

  • Issue ID

  • Type

  • Priority

  • Summary


Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (top priorities) is a number of defects of a top priority being in not "Done" status for the last 30 days.

RAG thresholds:  Red - metric value > 0; Green - metric value = 0. 


1 Calculation considers created items within the last 90 days.

2 Defect is an item of a type set in Project Configuration > Data Sources > Task Tracking System> Scope Management > Definition of Work Buckets > Defects.

3 "Done" status is a status from "Done" bucket in Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Workflows.


Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).

See also

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