Edit Target
This chapter describes how to edit a target.
1. Edit Target Values
You can edit a target’s values via:
Full View by clicking on a field
List View by clicking on a cell
Timeline View by clicking on a cell (available for a defined set of attributes)
2. Move target
To move a single target via Drag and Drop (DnD)
Hover a target. The system displays the ⋮⋮ on the left of the target name.
Drag the target to a new location.
To move multiple targets:
Hover a target. The system displays a checkbox on the left of the target name.
Select multiple targets.
Drag the targets to a new location.
3. Change Start / End Date of a Target
To change the start / end date:
Hove a target. The system displays the ⋮⋮ on both ends of the target line.
Drag the target in the Gantt Chart to expand or shorten its period (Fig 1).
Fig. 1..Target grips to change start/end dates