Table of Contents |
Already started positions linked to Personal Employee Profiles
Not-yet-started positions with candidates
Not-yet-started positions without candidates
Manage not-started positions: create, edit, delete them
Manage workload in positions, which have already started and have been linked to the Personal Employee Profiles
View the Bench section
Also the Search option is available for all users.
For managers with Advanced permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles) there are two sensitive metrics Attrition Risk Index and Performance Meet+ Index:
Attrition Risk Index is based on the Risk of Leaving and Critical Role on Unit metrics and calculated for the whole team.
Column | Description |
Role | Displays role, specified for the corresponding position |
Team Member | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions without candidates:
Required Skills | Displays required skills specified for the corresponding position |
Location | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
View Profile - opens team member's Personal Employee Profile;
Edit Workload - allows to edit workload for the started, active position, linked to the Personal Employee Profile. Note: the option will become unavailable, once the position's End Date arrives.;
Update Performance -
You can update monthly performance here. The same logic as described here: Monthly view;
Set profile's project Risk of Leaving - the same logic as described here: Risk of Leaving;
Set profile's Critical Role on Unit - the same logic as described here: Critical Role on Unit Unit;
Set profile's Motivation - the same logic as described here: Motivation;
Set profile's Likes/Dislikes - the same logic as described here: Likes/Dislikes;
Create an Action Item - the same logic as described here: Action Items;
Propose Successor for the selected Role Holder - the same logic as described here: Succession Module;
Copy Link to a particular profile in TEAMS just by clicking on the Quick Menu option.
The menu options are displayed on hover over the cells in the Team Member column:
FTE chart
This chart shows Not Utilized FTE index dynamic in the Bench section over 7 months period (current month + 6 future months):
Please note: the total number in the brackets and calculated indexes will not be changed (NOT connected with the filters applied).
The workloads in the table's headers will be recalculated (consistent with the filters applied).
When the search is activated, the Show Bench and Show Planned Positions toggles will be automatically switched on and disabled:
You can reset all filters by clicking on the Remove All button (and the Show Bench and Show Planned Positions toggles will become enabled).
If you select another unit in the hierarchy tree, the search will be reset as well.