TEAMS - Performance widget and detailed view

Performance widget

The widget contains information about team member's latest performance evaluation according to the timeline.

It can display information about Monthly, Quarterly or Annually evaluation:


Performance mark can be either set manually or Autocalculated:

  • For Monthly performance only manual adding of marks is available

  • For Quarterly and Annually performance, first Autocalculated mark is calculated by the System at the end of the period. Autocalculated value can be updated manually later.

For manually provided status the widget includes:

  1. Performance Evaluation period

  2. Info-hint with definitions of all possible Performance statuses

  3. Performance status icon

  4. Performance status name (brief)

  5. Performance mark

  6. Date, when the Performance status of the team member was last updated

  7. Full name of the person, who did the last update

For Autocalculated status, the widget includes:

  1. Performance Evaluation period

  2. Info-hint with definitions of all possible Performance statuses

  3. Performance status icon

  4. Performance status name (brief)

  5. Performance mark

  6. Date, when Autocalculation of the Performance status was conducted

You can learn more about the logic of the calculation of Autocalculated value here.


When a Performance Evaluation has never been conducted for the team member before (e.g. newcomer), the widget is displayed in zero state:

When the latest performance mark in the profile is autocalculated N/A (Not Available) (applicable to Quarterly/Annually marks only), the widget has the following state:

When the latest performance mark in the profile falls in the Below expectations or Partially meets expectations range, the widget gets an additional side stripe to draw attention:

The widget is clickable:

  • clicking on the widget, which has data about the status (different from Not Available), will open the Performance Evaluation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the View mode

  • clicking on the widget, which does not have data about the status ('No data' case), will open the Performance Evaluation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the Add New Performance Evaluation state for the Monthly view

  • clicking on the +Add button on the widget will open the Performance Evaluation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the Add New Performance Evaluation state for the Monthly view

  • clicking on the widget with Not Available autocalculated status will open the Performance Evaluation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the Update Performance Evaluation state for the period that corresponds to the one, displayed on the Performance widget

  • clicking on the Update button on the widget will open the Performance Evaluation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the Update Performance Evaluation state for the period that corresponds to the one, displayed on the Performance widget

Performance Evaluation details in the sidebar

In the Performance Evaluation section, we provide the ability to view and evaluate an employee's performance.

Performance ranges

There are five basic ranges of how well the employee performs:

Status name




Status name




Below expectations

An employee struggling to meet the performance standards set for their role, but has the potential to improve with additional training and support.

They may be lacking certain skills or knowledge required for their job, or facing challenges that are hindering their ability to perform their work effectively.

This level of performance is considered unsatisfactory, but with the right resources and guidance, an employee may be able to improve their performance.

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be implemented.



Partially meets expectations

An employee who is meeting some, but not all of the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

They may be performing adequately in some areas, but falling short in others.

This level of performance is generally considered unsatisfactory, as an employee is not consistently meeting the requirements of their job. However, it may be possible for the employee to improve their performance with additional support and guidance.

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be implemented.



Meets expectations (1)

An employee is meeting the performance standards that have been set for their role/title but requires frequent support and guidance.

May need to develop new skills, or find ways to improve their performance.

This level of performance is generally considered satisfactory and demonstrates a commitment to ongoing growth and development.

A PDP (Personal Development Plan) must be implemented.



Meets expectations (2)

An employee consistently meets the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

Demonstrates a good understanding of their job duties and responsibilities, and is able to perform their work effectively and efficiently.

This level of performance is generally considered good and meets the core requirements of the job.



Meets expectations (3)

An employee consistently meets the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

Demonstrates a high level of competence and expertise in their job, and is able to consistently deliver high-quality work.

This level of performance is generally considered very good and may position the employee as a subject matter expert within their team or department.

Sometimes helps senior colleagues with solving complex problems.



Exceeds expectations

An employee goes above and beyond the performance expectations and goals in some areas of work and demonstrates an understanding of work well beyond job requirements.

May take on additional responsibilities or projects, or find innovative ways to improve processes and procedures. Is actively engaged in solving complex tasks that require the next level of seniority.

This level of performance is generally considered very good and demonstrates a willingness to exceed expectations when appropriate.

Might be considered for growth or promotion, assuming expanding their duties.



Significantly exceeds expectations

An employee goes above and beyond the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

They have exceeded their goals and taken on additional responsibilities or projects in most of their areas of work.

Demonstrated exceptional skills and abilities in their work. This may include things like consistently delivering outstanding results, taking the initiative to improve processes or procedures, and consistently demonstrating a high level of dedication and commitment to their work. Have a strong knowledge of the business domain. Trusted adviser for stakeholders.

This person is considered a role model in work and inspires others to perform better. Also, should be considered for growth or promotion.



Performance chart

The performance chart contains the performance data for the last 15 months including the current one. 

Above the performance chart, you will find a legend that explains the different performance types' designations.

All performance evaluations are displayed on the chart according to the period they were set and connected with a single line.

The coloring of the line on the chart corresponds to the zones through which it passes:

  • 0.0-0.4 - red

  • 0.5-0.9 - orange

  • 1.0-2.9 - green

  • 3.0-3.5 - blue

  • 3.6-4.0 - purple

The blue delimiter shows today's date on the chart by default.

You can view details about left performance evaluations by hovering over them on a graph:

  • The monthly performance evaluations will be displayed by hovering over the corresponding month

  • The quarterly performance evaluations will be displayed by hovering over the last month in the quarter (Mar for Q1, Jun for Q2, Sep for Q3, Dec for Q4)

  • The annual performance evaluations will be displayed by hovering over the last month of the year (December)

Hover over the   How to use button to find a brief overview of viewing and updating quarterly and annual performance evaluations.

Navigation buttons

You can see navigation buttons above the chart which can help you review and update different types of performance.
The button may be in 2 states:

  • active - available for selection

  • inactive (greyed) - unavailable for selection

By default you're navigated to the current period which allows you view latest performance evaluation details.

If you click on active Q[1-4] button, you will be navigated to the actual quarterly mark referring to the selected period. There is an ability to update the latest quarterly mark by click on active Update button above the chart according to the rules. Older marks are not available marks are available for view only.

If you click on active [YEAR] button, you will be navigated to the actual annual mark referring to the selected period. There is an ability to update the latest annual mark by click on active Update button above the chart according to the rules. Older marks are not available marks are available for view only.

To navigate back to Monthly view and set new monthly mark click Today button:


Latest performance evaluation details

The area below the chart contains the information about team member's latest performance evaluation according to the timeline.

When the latest performance mark in the profile is Monthly, the area below the chart contains the information about the performance evaluation and month, the date of performance evaluation, the user who made the evaluation, and a comment provided:

When the latest performance evaluation in the profile is the Quarterly performance mark Autocalculated by the System, the area below the chart contains the information about the performance evaluation and a quarter, the date of performance evaluation, the information that the mark was autocalculated by the System:

When the latest performance evaluation in the profile is the Quarterly performance mark Updated manually by the User, the area below the chart contains the information about the performance evaluation and the quarter, the date of performance evaluation, the user who made the evaluation, and a comment provided:

When the latest performance evaluation in the profile is the Annual performance mark Autocalculated by the System, the area below the chart contains the information about the performance evaluation and the year, the date of performance evaluation, the information that the mark was autocalculated by the System:

When the latest performance evaluation in the profile is the Annual performance mark Updated manually by the User, the area below the chart contains the information about the performance evaluation and the year, the date of performance evaluation, the user who made the evaluation, and a comment provided:

Monthly performance evaluation

Add Monthly Performance Evaluation

You can set new monthly performance evaluation and leave text comments if necessary for the current month by clicking on the Add button in the top right corner: 

You can change slider's position and see a detailed description for each evaluation in the box below.

Text comment is required on the Monthly view for all ranges.

The current date and a team member who has added a new performance evaluation will be displayed under the graph when the new evaluation is saved:

Edit Monthly Performance Evaluation

This action is available only during the same day the performance evaluation was set and only for the user who has set this evaluation. The Update button appears for such users and he/she is capable to make changes in the already left evaluation. These changes will be displayed as an actual performance mark instead of previously left data. 

As in the add performance section, the text comment is mandatory on the Monthly view for all ranges. You can also update only the comment text without updating the performance mark.

Delete Monthly Performance Evaluation

This action is available only on the same day when the performance evaluation was set and only for the user who has set this evaluation. The Delete button is displayed in edit mode (after clicking the Update button). After the deletion is confirmed, performance evaluation will be deleted from the Performance Evaluation section and will not be included in any calculation for this month.

Performance History

You can view the history of performance evaluations. Use the History button that appears in the section after at least one performance evaluation is left. 

History of all left marks by all users starting from the first performance evaluation is displayed in the Performance Evaluation History state. All evaluations are divided into three presets: Monthly, Quarterly and Annually, depending on which tab mark was left. By default the Performance Evaluation History state is opened with the Monthly preset.

In the Performance Evaluation History state users can also view the history of changes and deleted performance evaluations. 

If the mark was edited during the same day it was set - a drop-down list with all variants of this mark will be displayed under the final one if you click on the Show more button.

If the mark was deleted during the same day it was set - this is marked with a Deleted label in the Performance Evaluation History and displayed in a grey color.

Note: Autocalculated N/A Quarterly and Annually marks are not displayed in the Performance History. 

Quarterly performance evaluation

The quarterly performance mark is automatically calculated at the end of every quarter (on the last day). This value is based on monthly performance marks set during the 3 months of the quarter (e.g. Jan-Mar for Q1) taking into account the start date and end date on the project.
You can learn more about the logic of the calculation of Autocalculated value here.

First, Autocalculated value is calculated by the System at the end of the period. Then it can be updated manually by User.

View Quarterly Performance Evaluation

Quarterly performance value (when it is different from N/A) is displayed on the Performance graph according to the timeline. If the quarterly mark has been updated, only the latest value is considered actual.

You can view performance evaluation details: 

  • by clicking on the particular quarter on the chart (if you want to return back to the current period, click on Today)

  • by hovering over the last month of the particular quarter

  • in the performance evaluation history

Update Quarterly Performance Evaluation

Users can adjust autocalculated quarterly mark by selecting a quarter on the chart, clicking on the Update button, editing the value and leaving a text comment. When the manual Quarterly performance mark is set - it will be considered as the actual one for this quarter.

The current date and a team member who has added a new performance evaluation will be displayed under the graph when the new evaluation is saved:

You can change slider's position and see a detailed description for each evaluation in the box below.

Text comment is mandatory while updating the Quarterly performance. You can also update only the comment text without updating the performance mark. 

In case the latest performance evaluation for the reporting period was conducted by you, you can update only the performance mark without needing to write a new comment: the field will be prepopulated with your previously left comment text.

Note: only the performance value for the previous already autocalculated quarter can be updated. It means if you are adding a new quarterly performance evaluation in April - this performance evaluation is set for the Q1 period (Jan-Mar).

Each quarter is autocalculated at the end of the period, except Q4 which is calculated earlier, on the 1st of December.

Edit mode allows to make changes in the performance mark and comment and save these changes. Confirm Update Performance Mark pop-up is displayed while saving. On this pop-up, you can see which exact quarter are you updating at the moment.

In some cases, quarterly performance cannot be updated and the corresponding message will be shown:

  • if the Employee joined after evaluation period (therefore there is no autocalculated performance mark) or Employee left before evaluation period

  • the period between Feb 25th and Apr 1st

If you want to return back to the current period, click on Today:

Annual performance evaluation

The annual performance mark is automatically calculated at the end of every year (on the 1st of Dec). This value is based on Quarterly performance marks set during the year taking into account the start date and end date on the project. 
You can learn more about the logic of the calculation of Autocalculated value here.

First, Autocalculated value is calculated by the System at the end of the period. Then it can be updated manually by User.

View Annual Performance Evaluation

Annual performance value (when it is different from N/A) is displayed on the Performance graph according to the timeline. If the annual mark has been updated, only the latest value is considered actual.

You can view performance evaluation details: 

  • by clicking on the particular year on the chart (if you want to return back to the current period, click on Today)

  • by hovering over the last month (December) of the particular year

  • in the performance evaluation history


Update Annual Performance Evaluation

Users can adjust autocalculated annual mark by selecting a year on the chart, clicking on the Update button, editing the value, and leaving a text comment. When the manual Annual performance mark is set - it will be considered as the actual one for this year.

The current date and a team member who has added a new performance evaluation will be displayed under the graph when the new evaluation is saved:

You can change slider's position and see a detailed description for each evaluation in the box below.

Text comment is mandatory while updating Annual performance. You can also update only the comment text without updating the performance mark. 

In case the latest performance evaluation for the reporting period was conducted by you, you can update only the performance mark without needing to write a new comment: the field will be prepopulated with your previously left comment text.

Edit mode allows to make changes in the performance mark and comment and save these changes. Confirm Update Performance Mark pop-up is displayed while saving. On this pop-up, you can see which exact year are you updating at the moment.

In some cases, the annual performance cannot be updated and the corresponding message will be shown:

  • if the Employee joined after evaluation period (therefore there is no auto-calculated performance mark) or Employee left before evaluation period

  • the period between Feb 25th and Apr 1st

If you want to return back to the current period, click on Today:

Performance evaluation for inactive profiles

You can evaluate the performance of the employees, who have already left the project. Inactive profiles are available for 12 months period after the deactivation date from the Performance Evaluation perspective. 

General performance evaluation rules (described above) are applicable for inactive profiles with the following limitations:

  1. The ability to set monthly performance marks is disabled in inactive profiles.

  2. The ability to set quarterly performance marks for inactive profile is disabled until the auto-calculated mark (including N/A mark) for the last reporting period (quarter) is received and remains enabled till Feb 25th of the next year.

  3. The ability to set annual performance marks for inactive profiles is disabled until autocalculated mark (including N/A mark) for the reporting period (year) is received and remains enabled till Feb 25th of the next year.

You can learn more about the logic of quarterly and annual mark calculation for the period when the employee left the project here.