Table of Contents |
Already started positions linked to Personal Employee Profiles
Not-yet-started positions with candidates
Not-yet-started positions without candidates
Manage not-started positions: create, edit, delete them
Manage already started positions: edit workload in positions, which have already started and have been linked to the Personal Employee Profiles, change position termination option, change position duration (End Date)
View the Bench section
Also the Search option is available for all users.
The table consists of the following columns:
Column | Description |
Role | Displays role, specified for the corresponding position |
Team Member | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions without candidates:
Required Skills | Displays required skills specified for the corresponding position |
Location | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
Workload panel
On the Stream/Project level user can see monthly workload % for all positions displayed in the table:
On the Resource Plan perspective you can have fast access to the main activities with positions:
View Position - opens the position card of a not-yet-started position (View Position state)
Edit Position - allows to edit a not-yet-started position (opens Edit Position state)
View Profile - opens team member's Personal Employee Profile;
Edit Workload - allows to edit workload for the started, active position, linked to the Personal Employee Profile. Note: the option will become unavailable, once the position's End Date arrives;
Update Workloads & Dates - the same logic as described here Position Management for actual positions
Update Performance - You can update monthly performance here. The same logic as described here: Monthly view;
Set profile's project Risk of Leaving - the same logic as described here: Risk of Leaving;
Set profile's Critical Role on Unit - the same logic as described here: Critical Role on Unit;
Set profile's Motivation - the same logic as described here: Motivation;
Set profile's Likes/Dislikes - the same logic as described here: Likes/Dislikes;
Create an Action Item - the same logic as described here: Action Items;
Propose Successor for the selected Role Holder - the same logic as described here: Succession Module;
Copy Link to a particular profile in TEAMS just by clicking on the Quick Menu option.
There are also some options available for users themselves (on hover over their own records):
with Basic permissions:
with Advanced permissions:
All these menu options are only available for started positions linked to Personal Profiles.
Positions with expired Manual termination
When End Date passes for actual (started) positions, which have Position Termination = Manual selected, the system will highlight such positions on the Resource Plan by:
displaying red info-hint icon in the Team Member column. The hint displayed on icon hover will contain a link, that will allow user to instantly open the Workloads & Dates state for this position.
coloring End date in the Workload panel with red
Bench section
Bench section is not a part of the organization hierarchy and is only available for users with Advanced Permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles).
The Bench table displays list of active employees (not positions!) and consists of the following columns:
Column | Description |
Employee | Displays the First and Last name of a team member, photo and title. |
Location | Displays office location of an employee. |
Workload panel
In the Bench section user can see total monthly workload % of all employees displayed in the table: