TEAMS - Seniority

What does the Seniority perspective contain?

Seniority perspective includes the next items with their value:

  • Seniority index and its explanation

  • Team members table

  • Team members chart - This chart will allow us to assess Team members' dynamic up to 12 months.

  • Seniority metric chart - This chart will allow assessing the team's seniority index and its dynamic for up to 12 months.

Seniority index and its explanation 

On top of the perspective, you will see an explanation of the index. 


RAG status of seniority index: 

Red -  1.0 - 1.2

Amber - 1.3 - 2.4 or 3.6+

Green -  2,5 - 3,5

The logic of calculation

Seniority Index is calculated based on Team members Job Function Tracks (A, B) and Levels (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5).

Each combination of Job Function Track and Level has own weight, where:

  • Ax = x points;

  • Bx = x + 3 points


Track A weight

Track B weight


Track A weight

Track B weight

Level 1

1 point

4 points

Level 2

2 points

5 points

Level 3

3 points

6 points

Level 4

4 points

7 points

Level 5

5 points

8 points

Track C is not counted as it does not not have levels.

Seniority Index =  SUM(Track/Level weight x Project Team members with this Track/Level) / SUM(Project Team members with all Track/Levels)

Please note that all the Team Members on the business unit (including team members with workload = 0) are counted.

If the employee has more than 1 profile, the system will consider these profiles as one.

Team members table

The table shows the list of all team members on the current business unit and it's sub-units (if exist).

It consists of the following columns:





Team member

Displays the First and Last name of an employee, photo and project role. By clicking on this column user can navigate to an employee's Personal Profile.


Displays employee's seniority level (including track info).


Displays unit to which employee is assigned.


Displays skills of employee set in an employee's personal profile.

Time on Project

Displays total time employee works on the project (from the Start Date on a business unit in the employee's personal profile - current date).

The table supports pagination, searching by team members, column sorting and filtering.


Team members table can be expanded and collapsed:

User is able to filter data in the table by: Team Member, Role and Skills. Filters affect charts - for users, it looks like rebuilding charts. 

Team members chart

The chart shows Team members' dynamic up to 12 months (current one plus 11 previous months) but starts from the first month when team size was above zero. Team members dynamic is displayed for now and at 23:59:59 on the last day of each previous month. 

If a previous period value is not null system calculates changes in percentage for the current period regarding the previous period by the formula: (current value - previous period value)/previous period value. This info is displayed on a hint together with the name of the chart and chosen period.

The number of Team members in the table can be different

Please be informed that team members are considered by profiles (person-project-role) in the table and by employees in the chart.

Seniority metric chart

The chart shows the team's seniority level up to 12 months (current one plus 11 previous months) but starts from the first month when team size was above zero. Seniority level is displayed for now and at 23:59:59 the last day of each previous months. 

On the top of the chart the current seniority index is displayed ('Current seniority index: X.X')

The system calculates changes for the chosen period regarding the previous period by the formula: current value - previous period value. This info is displayed on hint together with the name of the chart and chosen period.

The system also displays optimal seniority zone between 2,5 and 3,5 seniority index values. 

Both of these charts are Filter sensitive. It means that if apply filtration only those members that are included in the filtration result will be included in statistics for both of these charts (if the employee has more than 1 profile, the system will consider these profiles as one).Â