TEAMS - Productivity

What is this perspective about?

Productivity perspective reflects the information regarding the team's progress and activities and is logically divided into 2 segments:

  • Closed Tasks Distribution chart

  • Team Members table

This is a secured perspective available only for managerial roles with full access to the team members' profiles (see details here).

Please find the expanded descriptions of each section below.

Closed Tasks Distribution chart

Note: to access data about closed tasks distribution within your team you need to configure Custom Fields first. Please find instructions here on how to do that.

The logic upon this chart was previously introduced at the Productivity tab of Personal Employee Profile.

However, it is important to mention that Closed Tasks Distribution metrics are calculated for the whole team (on the contrary with per Employee in Personal Profile). This means that the data is being received per each team member, aggregated and displayed on the chart per team as the algebraic sum. The rest of the logic (how data is collected, what categories are implied, etc.) remains the same.

Please see the details on the calculation, analysis approach, Data Source configuration on the corresponding page: Closed Tasks Distribution Metric.

The quantitative representation per team is bigger than per individual employee. The chart is interactive: if in the Team Members table the User has selected specific Employees, the data for this chart is recalculated on the fly and represents the algebraic sum valid for only selected Employees. The chart displays the number of selected team members.

There is an ability to see the total amount of Closed Tasks per type for the Week / 3 Months / Year in the legend.

We also provide an opportunity to get detailed information per each ticket (in the same way as per Employee in Personal Profile) by clicking on the corresponding column:

You can collapse and expand the CTD chart:

The chart is collapsed by default if there is no data to display: Data Source is not configured (see Integrations), no Custom Fields (see How to add Custom Fields to closed tasks metric), Closed Tasks=0 across the whole selected period.

Team Members table

The list of all team members assigned on the project and who had an active assignment on the project within the selected time range is displayed as the second section on the page.

The table consists of the following columns:





Team Member

Displays the First and Last name of an employee, photo and project role. Clicking this column opens the Personal Employee Profile.


Displays the employee's seniority level (including track info).

All Tasks

Displays the SUM of closed tasks of all types (number + graphical representation) within the applied time range for the selected employee. It is possible to view detailed information per exact task types on hover over the graphic.


Displays the employee's current monthly performance value and status. 

Risk of Leaving

Displays the employee's current project Risk of Leaving status. 

Critical Role on Unit

Displays the employee's current Role Criticality status. 


Displays the employee's current Motivation status. 

The table supports pagination, searching by team members, column sorting and filtering.

You can filter data in the table by: Team Member, Role, Level, Performance, Risk of Leaving, Critical Role on Unit and Motivation:

Applied filters are grouped into the corresponding categories, so you can quickly update filters you are interested in:

We also provide the ability to search for the corresponding filter within the category if there are more than 10 items in the group: