TEAMS - Performance Evaluation

What does this perspective consist of?

The Performance Evaluation perspective allows the manager to observe Monthly, Quarterly and Annually Performance statuses of team members and their dynamics. It also allows for updating the Performance Evaluation in one place.

The perspective can be divided into four parts:

  • Performance index and its explanation

  • Team members table.

  • Performance chart (including the drilldown).

Please find the extended explanation about each of the sections below.

Performance Evaluation 1.png

Performance index and its explanation

On top of the perspective, you will see an explanation of the Performance Meet+ index. The index is displayed in the Monthly view only.

Performance Evaluation 2.png

Calculation of the Performance Meet+ index and mapping to the Health score described here.

Team members table

The table shows all active team members and inactive (for the last 12 months), people in the unit.

By default, inactive profiles are hidden from all charts. If you want to show these profiles you need to use the filter Assignment Status and check option Assignment ended.

The table's content depends on a selected view (Monthly/Quarterly/Annually):

Each view includes the corresponding set of columns which are sorted by default alphabetically: A→Z.

Monthly view

The table contains the following columns on the Monthly view:





Team Member

Displays the First and Last name of an employee, photo and project role. Clicking this column opens the employee's Personal Profile.


Displays the employee's seniority level (including track info).


Displays the unit to which the employee is assigned.


Displays whether the employee's impact on the project is Low, Moderate, High or Critical. See Critical Role on Unit

Average (last 6 m)

Shows the team member's average performance for the past six months (6 months back starting from today's date).


Shows the difference between current performance and average performance (for the past six months) and the trend (positive or negative).


Displays the employee's current performance. Clicking this column opens the Edit mode, allowing the manager to provide a new performance evaluation. See the Performance section for more details

Last Update

Shows the time when the employee's performance evaluation was last updated.

A monthly view also provides the ability for users to update/delete already set performance evaluations during one day (when this evaluation was set). More information about it can be found here. 

Quarterly view

The table contains the following columns on Quarterly view:





Team Member

Displays the First and Last name of an employee, photo and project role. Clicking this column opens the employee's Personal Profile.


Displays the employee's seniority level (including track info).


Displays the unit to which the employee is assigned.


Displays whether the employee's impact on the project is Low, Moderate, High or Critical. See Critical Role on Unit


Shows the team member's Autocalculated Quarterly Performance for the previous quarter. See Logic of Autocalculated Quarterly and Annually performance marks for more details.


Shows the difference between the latest Quarterly performance for the previous quarter and Autocalculated Quarterly performance for the previous quarter and the trend (positive or negative).


Displays the latest employee's performance for the previous quarter (Autocalculated by the system or updated by the manager). Clicking this column opens the Edit mode, allowing the manager to update a performance evaluation for the previous quarter. See the Performance section for more details.

Last Update

Shows the time when the employee's quarterly performance evaluation for the previous quarter was last updated.

Annually view

The table contains the following columns on Annually view:





Team Member

Displays the First and Last name of an employee, photo and project role. Clicking this column opens the employee's Personal Profile.


Displays the employee's seniority level (including track info).


Displays the unit to which the employee is assigned.


Displays whether the employee's impact on the project is Low, Moderate, High or Critical. See Critical Role on Unit


Displays the total time the employee works on the same project in all roles (both active and not active), where all the gaps (if any) between the previous role’s end date and the next role’s start date are no longer than 30 days.

Time on Project

Displays the total time the employee works on the project in the current role (from Start Date on the Project in an employee's personal profile - current date).


Displays the latest employee's performance for the previous year (Autocalculated by the system or updated by the manager. More details about autocalculated value can be found here) when a user opens the Annual view during the Dec 1 - Mar 31. Clicking this column during Q1 opens the Edit mode, allowing the manager to update a performance evaluation for the previous year.

Displays '-' when a user opens the Annual view during the Q2-Q4 (Apr 01 - Nov 30). Edit mode is not available during the Q2-Q4.

Last Update

Shows the time when the employee's annual performance evaluation for the previous year was last updated.

Updated by

Shows the name of an employee who updated the annual performance evaluation for the previous year


Displays the latest employee's performance for the Q1 of the previous year when a user opens the Annual view during the Q1 (Jan 01 - Mar 31). 

Displays the latest employee's performance for the Q1 of the current year when a user opens the Annual view during the Q2-Q4 (Apr 01 - Dec 31). 


Displays the latest employee's performance mark for the Q2 of the previous year when a user opens the Annual view during the Q1 (Jan 01 - Mar 31). 

Displays '-' when a user opens the Annual view during the Q2 (Apr 01 - Jun 30). 

Displays the latest employee's performance mark for the Q2 of the current year when a user opens the Annual view during the Q3-Q4 (Jul 01 - Dec 31). 


Displays the latest employee's performance mark for the Q3 of the previous year when a user opens the Annual view during the Q1 (Jan 01 - Mar 31). 

Displays '-' when a user opens the Annual view during the Q2-Q3 (Apr 01 - Sep 30). 

Displays the latest employee's performance mark for the Q3 of the current year when a user opens the Annual view during the Q4 (Oct 01 - Dec 31). 


Displays the latest employee's performance mark for the Q4 of the previous year when a user opens the Annual view during the Dec 1 - Mar 31. 

Displays '-' when a user opens the Annual view during the Q2-Q4 (Apr 01 - Nov 30). 

Risk of Leaving

Displays the latest employee's risk of leaving. 

Edit mode

Clicking the Performance column opens the Edit mode, allowing the manager to update the Monthly/Quarterly/Annually performance evaluation. Use the Comment field to provide text comments for an employee and Slider to update performance value. While setting the mark, its explanation will be displayed in the corresponding section below the slider:

Update Performance Restrictions

In some cases, performance cannot be updated and the corresponding message will be shown:

  • There is no ability to add new Monthly performance mark for inactive profile

  • Quarterly and Annual performance cannot be updated if the Employee joined after evaluation period (therefore there is no autocalculated performance mark) 

  • If the Employee left before evaluation period (previous year) any type of performance cannot be updated

  • Quarterly and Annual Performance cannot be updated in the period between Feb 25th and Apr 1st

Pay attention, that the Annual performance value can only be updated from Dec 1st till Feb 25th.

There are five basic ranges of how well the employee performs:

Status name




Status name




Below expectations

An employee struggling to meet the performance standards set for their role, but has the potential to improve with additional training and support.

They may be lacking certain skills or knowledge required for their job, or facing challenges that are hindering their ability to perform their work effectively.

This level of performance is considered unsatisfactory, but with the right resources and guidance, an employee may be able to improve their performance.

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be implemented.



Partially meets expectations

An employee who is meeting some, but not all of the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

They may be performing adequately in some areas, but falling short in others.

This level of performance is generally considered unsatisfactory, as an employee is not consistently meeting the requirements of their job. However, it may be possible for the employee to improve their performance with additional support and guidance.

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be implemented.



Meets expectations (1)

An employee is meeting the performance standards that have been set for their role/title but requires frequent support and guidance.

May need to develop new skills, or find ways to improve their performance.

This level of performance is generally considered satisfactory and demonstrates a commitment to ongoing growth and development.

A PDP (Personal Development Plan) must be implemented.



Meets expectations (2)

An employee consistently meets the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

Demonstrates a good understanding of their job duties and responsibilities, and is able to perform their work effectively and efficiently.

This level of performance is generally considered good and meets the core requirements of the job.



Meets expectations (3)

An employee consistently meets the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

Demonstrates a high level of competence and expertise in their job, and is able to consistently deliver high-quality work.

This level of performance is generally considered very good and may position the employee as a subject matter expert within their team or department.

Sometimes helps senior colleagues with solving complex problems.



Exceeds expectations

An employee goes above and beyond the performance expectations and goals in some areas of work and demonstrates an understanding of work well beyond job requirements.

May take on additional responsibilities or projects, or find innovative ways to improve processes and procedures. Is actively engaged in solving complex tasks that require the next level of seniority.

This level of performance is generally considered very good and demonstrates a willingness to exceed expectations when appropriate.

Might be considered for growth or promotion, assuming expanding their duties.



Significantly exceeds expectations

An employee goes above and beyond the performance standards that have been set for their role/title.

They have exceeded their goals and taken on additional responsibilities or projects in most of their areas of work.

Demonstrated exceptional skills and abilities in their work. This may include things like consistently delivering outstanding results, taking the initiative to improve processes or procedures, and consistently demonstrating a high level of dedication and commitment to their work. Have a strong knowledge of the business domain. Trusted adviser for stakeholders.

This person is considered a role model in work and inspires others to perform better. Also, should be considered for growth or promotion.



Also, you can find all possible ranges of the Performance status below:

Employees who left the project within the last 12 months

Any changes to Monthly performance marks for project leavers are restricted

Please note that any changes to Monthly performance marks for project leavers are restricted.
Quarterly and Annual marks will be auto-calculated and available for updating as soon as the position has been terminated (except Q1 since in that case the auto-calculation will be on Apr 1)

Such employees are displayed in the Members table on the Performance Evaluation Perspective. Such employees are highlighted in grey, and the date when the person left the project is shown on hover.

Unit Managers can provide performance evaluations for such employees.

The Annual Performance mark will be auto-calculated as soon as the employee's position is closed on the current project. This will help to make the Annual Performance review timely and ad hoc.

In case the person is no longer employed by the company, the date when the person left the company is also displayed in the hint, shown on hover:

Quick menu

On the Performance Evaluation perspective, you can also have fast access to the following activities:

  • Update the Performance status of employees

  • Copy the link to a particular profile in the TEAMS application just by clicking on the Quick Menu option

On hovering over the cells in the Team Member column, Quick Menu will be displayed:

Clicking on the Update Performance option will open a slide-out sidebar.

For Monthly view, logic is the same as described here: Monthly evaluation


For Quarterly view, logic is the same as described here: Quarterly evaluation

For the Annual view, the logic is the same as described here: Annual evaluation

Export data to Excel

On the Performance Evaluation perspective you can export data to Excel from the Customer (Account) level or lower.

Performance data can be exported in a form of a Custom report:

Custom report

The following data can be exported:






Displays the employee's first name and last name.


Displays the employee's role on the project.


Displays the employee's seniority level.

Start date 

Displays the employee's Start date.


Displays the employee's Account (Customer).


Displays the employee's Program.


Displays the employee's Project.


Displays the employee's Stream.


Displays the total time the employee works on the same project in all roles (both active and not active), where all the gaps (if any) between the previous role’s end date and the next role’s start date are no longer than 30 days.

Impact on the Project

Displays whether the employee's impact on the project is Low, Moderate, High or Critical. See Critical Role on Unit

Delivery Manager

Displays Delivery Manager of this project. Exporting together with Delivery Manager e-mail.

Project Manager

Displays the Project Manager of this project. Exporting together with Project Manager e-mail.

Program Manager

Displays the Program Manager of this project. Exporting together with Program Manager e-mail.

Stream Manager

Displays the Stream Manager of this stream. Exporting together with Stream Manager e-mail.


Displays the corresponding quarter/year for Quarterly/Annual marks

Performance Value

Displays the employee's current performance value (for example, 3.6).

Performance Status

Displays the employee's current performance status (for example, Significantly exceeds expectations).

Performance Comment

Displays the employee's current performance comment.

Updated by

Shows the name of the employee who last updated the performance evaluation

Last Update

Shows the date when the employee's performance evaluation was last updated.

Assignment Status

Displays the employee's assignment status (Assignment active/Assignment ended).

Leave Date

Displays the employee's Leave date for employees with 'Assignment ended' assignment status.

You can select the columns which you would like to export. Employee, Role, Quarter/Year, Performance, and Last update columns are required.

We also provide the ability to select the type(s) of performance marks (Monthly/Quarterly/Annually) and the corresponding time period per each type of performance mark.

For Monthly marks there are also 2 options:

  • Latest: only current monthly performance marks that are valid as of today will be exported

  • Custom period: all monthly performance marks for the selected time period will be exported

For Quarterly/Annually marks you can select several quarters/years to export Quarterly/Annual marks for several quarters/years (the previous quarter/year is selected by default in Date ranges). All quarterly/annual performance marks, including Autocalculated values, for the selected quarter(s)/year(s), will be exported. 

Filtration and Search affect data that is exported. Only filtered/searched members are exported into an Excel document. 


You can filter employees from the Performance Evaluation perspective to increase the usability of Performance Evaluation Management.


  • Filtering affect charts - for users it looks like rebuilding charts. 

  • For the Custom report, filtration affects data that is exported to Excel. Only filtered/searched team members are exported to an Excel document. For the Annual report, filtration does not affect the list of team members exported to an Excel document.

Performance chart

The performance chart is available for Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually views:

The chart shows the dynamics of the employee's performance values and their distribution over the 12 months/6 quarters/6 years for Monthly/Quarterly/Annually views respectively: the number of employees in each performance category (Below expectations, Partially meets expectations, Meets expectations, Exceeds expectations, Significantly exceeds expectations) and the number of employees who do not have such data (Status outdated).

Axis A is a Timeline (12 months/6 quarters/6 years).

Axis B displays Team members (the total number of active, not obsolete, employees in the unit).

On hovering over a certain period, you can see a historical performance snapshot.

Only those team members who have the 'Start Date' value in the Quarter/Year for which statistics are observed are displayed on a chart.

When a user clicks on any point on the chart (month/quarter/year depending on selected view: Monthly/Quarterly/Annually), then the drill-down with the following columns is opened:

  1. Team Member: user can sort the column by First Name + Last Name alphabetically (sorted by default: A→Z).

  2. Performance value (e.g.: 3.0, N/A, etc.): user can sort the column by value

  3. Performance status (e.g.: 'Meets expectations', 'Outdated', etc.): user can sort the column by Performance status (from 'Outdated' to 'Significantly exceeds expectations' and vice versa)

Performance index

On hovering over a certain period in the chart, you can see the historical Performance index for this period in the hint.