TEAMS - Skills in Settings

Skills in Settings

Skills are major skills, and qualifications for certain employees and positions. 

The Settings / Skills tab is available on the Account level and gives the ability to manage and configure the required set of Skills on the Account. Skills are used for more accurate succession planning and also for creating new positions. 

In TEAMS → Settings → Skills there is a list of skills present for a certain Account.

The number in the 'Active (Inactive) profiles' column shows the current number of active (inactive for the last 12 months) employees with a corresponding skill on the current Account.

Skills for external installations are added manually.

It is possible to create new skills by clicking on the "Add New" button, entering a new skill name, and clicking "Add" again. Such skills will be marked as 'Custom'.

Note: You cannot add a skill with the same name that is already mentioned in the list.

Custom skill can be deleted provided there are no active team members with the skill mentioned.

Also, there is possibility to define the default list of skills that will be automatically applied to all accounts once created. Skills applied from a pre-defined list will be added as custom ones to the Settings tab. To define and configure the default list please contact support.