TEAMS - Successors for the Role widget and detailed view
Successors for the Role widget
The widget contains information about the current Succession coverage status for the team member (Role Holder).
Each status will require specific content to be displayed on the widget.
Successor not set
Successor not set is a default Succession coverage status. It is applied when no steps have been taken within the Succession Management yet, which means that profiles with such status do not have any proposed Successors.
Successor not needed
Successor not needed status is set manually. It means that these profiles have been identified as not requiring a Successor. Widget in such case displays information about:
Last update date
Full name of the person, who did the last update
Proposed status is applied to the profiles with at least 1 proposed Successor. Widget displays the following information about each proposed Successor:
First Name and Last Name
Succession details in the sidebar
This section of the User Guide gives a quick overview of the content and available actions in the Succession section of Personal Employee Profile depending on the applied status. For more detailed information about the Succession Management process flow please go here.
Successor not set
For the profile in this status you can:
Add a new Successor by clicking on the Add Successor button.
Apply status Successor not needed to the profile by clicking on the Successor not needed button.
Review information about Responsible for Succession and change the person in charge if needed.
Review Succession Triggers/Reasons, if any are applicable to the profile.
Successor not needed
For a profile in this status you can:
Review the information, when the information in the section was last updated and the author of the updates
Review the reason selected, when Successor not needed was applied to the profile
Review the comment left during the status change (if any)
Review information about Responsible for Succession and change the person in charge if needed.
Review Succession Triggers/Reasons, if any are applicable to the profile.
Add a new Successor by selecting the + Add Successor option in the 3dot menu.
Apply status Successor not set to the profile by selecting Successor is needed option in the 3dot menu.
Change reason and leave/edit a comment to justify the Successor not needed status applied to the profile.
For a profile in this status you can:
Review general information about proposed Successor(s) on the Successor cards.
Manage proposed Successors by:
editing proposed Successors by selecting the Edit Successor option in 3dot menu on the Successor card.
cancelling proposed Successors by selecting the Cancel Successor option in 3dot menu on the Successor card.
marking Successor as Ready for the Role (available only for Unit Mangers and Responsible for Succession from the role holder’s side, and for Mentor from the Successor’s side).
Add a Succession Plan for the proposed Successor (available only when you are assigned as a Mentor for the corresponding Successor).
View the Succession Plan of the proposed Successor (available for Responsible for Succession, Mentor and managers with full access to the role holder's profile).
Add a new Successor by selecting the Add Successor option in the Actions menu.
Apply status Successor not needed to the profile by selecting Successor not needed option in the Actions menu.
Review information about Responsible for Succession and change the person in charge if needed.
Review Succession Triggers/Reasons, if any are applicable to the profile.
Successor card
When a Successor is proposed via TEAMS, a card with this Successor will be displayed in the profile of the corresponding Role Holder. The card is divided into 2 parts.
The first part contains basic information about the Successor:
Successor's Photo
Successor's First Name and Last Name
Successor's Title
Successor's Track & Level value
Successor's Primary Skill
Current Project
Successor's Location
Proposed by - employee, who proposed the Successor
The second part contains information related to the succession process:
Successor's Mentor (if any)
Start Date in Role for the Successor (if specified)
Comment left, when the Successor was added/edited (if any) - can contain details about the Succession Plan
3dot menu with the following options:
Edit Successor
Cancel Successor
Ready for the Role button (available only for Unit Mangers and Responsible for Succession from the role holder’s side, and for Mentor from the Successor’s side)
Succession Plan completion widget
Succession status
Number of Action Items added to Succession Plan (<completed/total>)
Add button (available for Mentor only, when Succession Plan has not been created yet) - allows Mentor to create a Succession Plan from scratch
View button - allows Responsible for Succession, Mentor and managers with full access to the role holder's profile (i.e. UM, Admin, Profile Manager) to view the Succession Plan created for the corresponding Successor