TEAMS - Logic of Autocalculated Quarterly and Annually performance marks

TEAMS - Logic of Autocalculated Quarterly and Annually performance marks

Autocalculation logic

The 1-st performance value on Quarterly and Annually graphs for every included in the statistics period (quarter/year) is Autocalculated by System value. 

Quarterly Autocalculated value

This performance mark is automatically calculated at the end of every quarter (on the last day). This value is based on monthly performance marks set during the 3 months of the quarter (e.g. Jan-Mar for Q1) taking into account the start date and end date on the project. After it was autocalculated, the mark can be adjusted by a manager by clicking on the Update button. The last updated mark will be displayed as actual for the quarter.

More details about the differences and peculiarities of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Performance status can be found here.

Logic 1.png

Common logic:

1. If no Monthly performance marks were set during the quarter (example: Jan-Mar) - Not Available (N/A) is displayed as an Autocalculated mark for the profile:

Logic 2.png

2. If only one Monthly performance mark was set during the quarter (example: Jan-Mar) - This mark is displayed as an Autocalculated value on the graph, on hint when hovering over the quarter (last month of the quarter) and in the Performance history.

3. If several Monthly performance marks are set during the quarter (example: Jan-Mar):

  • Every mark is considered actual for the period before this mark was set (example: 2.0 is set on 10th of January - this mark is multiplied by 10 (1-10 January from the beginning of Quarter; The next mark is set on 25th of January - it is multiplied on (11-25th of January).

  • The sum of the multiplied marks is divided by the number of days in the quarter (Example: 90)

4. The last Monthly mark set during the quarter is considered actual for the period before it was set and also till the end of the quarter. 

5. If several Monthly performance marks are set during one day - only the last one is taken into calculation.

6. Start and End dates of the profile on the business unit are taken into account.

The logic of calculation based on different scenarios:

1. If the start/end date on the project gets to the middle of the quarter.

Days before and after the Start and Date on the project are not included in the calculation. 

Example: team member started working on 17th of April and was terminated on 25th of June. Start and End dates get to the 2-nd quarter of the year.

The first mark (1.9) was set on the 5th of May, the second (4.0) - on the 5th of June.

Then the calculation of Q2 for this team member will be following: (1.9*19(April 17-May 5) + 4.0*51(May 6-June 25))/70(days from the start to end date) = 3.43 = 3.4

Autocalculated value for this team member for Q2 will be 3.4.

2. If the start/end date on the project does not get to the middle of the quarter.

Example: team member was assigned to the project the whole quarter (their profile was active all 3 months of the Q2 (Apr-Jun).

The first mark (2.9) was set on the 5th of Apr, the second (1.9) - on the 5th of May, the third (4.0) - on the 5th of June.

Then calculation of Q2 for this team member will be following: (2.9*5(Apr 1 - Apr 5) + 1.9*30(Apr 6-May 5) + 4.0*56(May 6-June 30))/91(days in Q2) = 3.24 = 3.2

Autocalculated value for this team member for Q2 will be 3.3

The logic of calculation for the period, when the employee left the project (inactive profile):

  1. If only one mark was added after the deactivation date, it’s weight = the number of days from the date of the last evaluation to the deactivation date.

  2. If there were several marks added after the deactivation date, we calculate the arithmetic average of these marks and apply it to the weight, which = the number of days from the date of the last evaluation to the deactivation date.

  3. If several performance marks are set during one day - only the last one is taken into calculation.

Annually Autocalculated value

This performance mark is automatically calculated at the end of every year (on the 1st of Dec). This value is based on Quarterly performance marks set during the year taking into account the start date and end date of the profile on the business unit. After it was autocalculated, the mark can be adjusted by a manager by clicking on the Update button. The last updated mark will be displayed as actual for the year. Update of the annual mark is available till Feb 25th of the next year.

More details about the differences and peculiarities of Monthly, Quarterly and Annually Performance status can be found here.

Common logic:

1. If no Quarterly performance marks were set during the year - Not Available (N/A) is displayed as an Autocalculated mark for the profile:

2. If only one Quarterly performance mark was set during the quarter - This mark is displayed as an Autocalculated value on the graph, on hint when hovering over the year (last month of the year) and in Performance history.

3. If several Quarterly performance marks are set during the year:

  • Every mark is considered actual for the whole quarter mark was set (for example 2.0 is set on the 10th of January and no other marks are set in Q1 - this performance mark is considered actual for the whole Q1 and multiplied by 90 (days in Q1).

  • If the Quarterly mark was updated several times during one Quarter - the last update is considered actual for the whole Quarter.

  • Formula: The sum of (quarterly marks * N of days they were actual) / N of days in the year

    • If no Quarterly mark was set in one or several quarters during the year (no Autocalculated marks different from N/A, no manually updated performance marks) - this quarter(s) is not included in the calculation of the Annually Autocalculated mark. In this case, the N of days in this quarter is excluded from the N of days in the year.

4. Start and End dates of the profile on the business unit are taken into account.


Marks set for a team member:

Q1  - Autocalculated value - 1.3, manually updated value - 2.1

Q2 - Autocalculated value - 1.6

Q3 - Autocalculated value - 1.7, manually updated value - 2.1

Q4 - Autocalculated value - no quarterly mark different from N/A was calculated

Then the calculation of the 2023 year for this team member will be the following: (2.1(the last set value)*90(days in Q1)+1.6*91+2.1*92)/ (365 - 92 (exclude Q4 period)) = 1.9.

The auto-calculated value for this team member for the 2023 year will be 1.9.

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